Getting Your Business Online (e-book)


Ready to finally start your own business but aren’t sure where to start? Get started quickly with our e-book!

Our book is 50+ pages of clear guidance on developing your brand, helpful insights on the tech decisions you need to make, and worksheets to help you clarify how you’re going to get your business online in the most professional way possible!

Tell us if this sounds like you…

You have a business idea that you think is perfect for you, but you don’t really know where or how to get it started. You know you want to build an online business, especially in today’s time, and you want to build something that’s professional and well thought through. You want to get online quickly and look professional doing it! BUT, the technical stuff…domain names, web hosting and lets not even get started with what you have to do for social media, are all new concepts to you. You know about them, but you want to know exactly how these things work and what you need to do to get started.

What if there was a guide that could help you go through it all?

That’s why we created this e-book…to help entrepreneurs like you build the business they’ve always dreamed of. We want you to do it (now!) and not feel intimidated or overwhelmed, but instead be ready to confidently develop your brand and understand the technical concepts, steps and decisions you need to take to get your business out there and online quickly!

Who are we?

We’ve been working in the online world for over 20 years as web designers and marketing strategists and have helped many business owners like yourself build their online business and succeed.

We get so many questions about branding, domain names, how they work, how to get a custom email address and what is the best way to get a business online through a website that we decided to write a guide to help people out!

What’s in our book?

You’ll get a mix of brand development guidance, answers to your technical questions and recommendations that will help you feel confident about your next steps.

Pages: 50+ pages of insights and worksheets!

Book outline:

  • Why create your own online presence?
    An easy to understand overview of reasons to move forward.

  • Part 1: Branding
    Your brand is a lot more than just your logo! This part includes 7 worksheet exercises to get clarity on your brand.

  • Part 2: Steps to getting your business online
    Learn about domain names, tips on selecting a website host and and website building options.

  • Part 3: Promoting your business
    Understand how to use social media, email marketing and more to promote your business.

  • Part 4: DIY or outsource?
    See our checklist of things to consider.

  • Your plan!
    Based on all that you’ve learned in our book, you’ll create a summary of your plan to get your business online.

Book feedback

“This book is so thorough and organized, I wish I would have read it before I got started. It would have made everything so much easier.”
— Michelle A., New Business Owner

“Okay, okay...I’ll set up a specific email acct vs my gmail even though I just made business cards 😊😊”
— Dave T., Business Owner in Colorado (after reading page 26)

We know it can take hours, and even sometimes months, for people to look and find the answers they need through Google or YouTube, and we wanted to help them get online quickly and in the most professional way possible. If you go through our book, where you’ll define your brand, decide on a domain name and a website host that works best for you and your goals, you’ll be online in no time with the business that you’ve always dreamed of.

Please note: Due to the nature of e-books and printables, refunds are not available for this item.

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